More news from Macworld focusing on the PowerPC this week, along with a number of small articles on upgrades to HyperCard and ARA Commander, a free ZMODEM tool from Mark/Space Softworks, a list of the current System Enablers, the solution to the nasty problem some Duos have been having with charging the battery recently, an announcement of an Internet book sale, and finally, a look at the Auto Power On/Off control panel from Apple.
You may notice below that we have switched to using HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format for listing files at FTP sites. We are doing that as a slow progression toward making TidBITS more compatible with the World-Wide Web (WWW)
David Loebell writes:
My most amusing moment at Macworld was at the huge Digital booth, which had a three-foot high neon sign that said "Digital at Macworld
Pete Gontier writes:
I liked your editorial on why Macworld is not so exciting for "the rest of us" any more. One thing you may have missed: Macworld this year was just not very exciting for anyone, RAM Doubler aside
Video Solution vs. 840AV -- Mark Anbinder writes:
According to Apple, the Apple Professional Video Production Solution, announced on 03-Jan-94 but not yet shipping, is not compatible with the Quadra 840AV
180c Shortage -- Pythaeus tells us that Apple has run out of the popular PowerBook 180c 4/160 and the corresponding bundle with Apple Express Modem. Although these configurations are in Apple's current "instant rebate" promotion, running through 31-Jan-94, the "while supplies last" rule in that promotion may leave hopeful buyers without the model they want
Glenn Fleishman writes:
You recently mentioned the AppleCD 300 as a holiday gift. If you have a Mac that takes the internal AppleCD 300i, which is about $100 to $150 less than the external version, you may be out of luck for the near future
Newton FTP Site Moves -- Ric Mommer of the University of Iowa announced that the Newton archive site at Johns Hopkins University will be replaced by:
This site is located at the University of Iowa
Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers
Lauriat's Books, a chain of bookstores around the U.S. (usually found in shopping malls), has a special sale on books about the Internet through the end of January
Apple announced that the over 52,000 registered users of HyperCard 2.0 and 2.1 will receive an upgrade coupon in the mail within the next few weeks, outlining the upgrade options for HyperCard 2.2
One of the most frequently asked of frequently asked questions on the Macintosh Internet discussion groups has been, "Is there a freeware or shareware ZMODEM tool for Communications Toolbox (CTB) programs?" Until very recently, the answer was always "No, and there aren't really any common commercial ones either." Aladdin solved the commercial conundrum by including one with their popular new program, SITcomm, and DCA's CrossTalk for Macintosh also includes one
At the end of 1993, Trilobyte Software announced that it has released a new version of its ARACommander client software for AppleTalk Remote Access (see TidBITS #178)
The information below comes directly from Apple Computer, and although not exactly new (the list was updated as of 03-Nov-93), it is still current. I won't pretend that it's terribly interesting to read, but I consider it important and useful information, and worth putting into the record in this fashion
There was a demo of the PowerPC in the Apple Pavilion. The Apple rep talked about scalability and how they can increase speed by two, three and four times past current speeds
Here's the resolution to the non-charging Duo battery problem repeatedly discussed on comp.sys.mac.portables. This problem is real, verified in several discussions with 800/SOS-APPL and one $30 visit to an "Authorized Repair Shop" with my brand new Duo 250
With the release of the Quadra 840AV (it also comes with the 660AV), among the many goodies that Apple included with it such as speech recognition and speaking capabilities, Apple also included with it a new control panel called Auto Power On/Off