TidBITS begins this week with a smattering of MailBITS, including information about a potentially serious problem with early Pentium chips and news about Apple’s upcoming Multimedia Tuner. We then continue with a look at DeskTape, a clever program that lets you mount DAT tapes on the desktop. Rounding out the issue, Dave Reiser shares his thoughts about what’s new in WordPerfect 3.1.
For all those who have been asking, Tonya is recovering nicely from her neck injury of five weeks ago. It's been a slow process, but luckily she has the luxury of healing properly
APS on the Internet -- Two weeks ago, I visited APS after giving an Internet presentation the night before to a great crowd at the Kansas City MacCORE users' group
Apple to Release Multimedia Tuner -- Rumor has it that Apple just completed work on Apple Multimedia Tuner 2.0, a system extension designed to enhance the performance of QuickTime 2.0 and Sound Manager 3.0 on systems 6.0.7 through 7.5
Math Bug Confirmed in Pentium Chips -- Earlier this month, reports of a floating point division bug in Intel's Pentium chip began to surface on CompuServe and in Usenet newsgroups such as
Brady Johnson writes to announce a new product that might be of interest:
DayDoubler is a new product from Connectrix that gives you those extra hours in each day that we've been asking for
These days, people mainly use removable storage media for distribution, backup, and data sharing. SyQuests are perhaps the most common removable media, but the most frequently used SyQuests are limited to 44 and 88 MB of data
[I asked Dave to write this review as a follow-up to the review of WordPerfect 3.0 that he wrote earlier this year. Dave would like us all to note that his opinions do not necessarily represent those of his employer