If you’ve heard future versions of the Mac OS won’t be backward compatible with today’s software, think again: it wouldn’t be the first time mainstream media got something wrong about Apple. Also in this issue, news on updates to UserLand Frontier and Corel WordPerfect, Adam explains some of the reasons we’ve put DealBITS on hiatus, Matt Neuburg concludes his review of QuicKeys 3.5, and we welcome Aladdin Systems on board as a TidBITS sponsor.
Just a quick note to let you know that this issue of TidBITS is going out to exactly 40,000 people on our mailing list. Our list goes up significantly each day (between 50 and 100 people), although we also delete several hundred people each week due to mail problems
Aladdin Sponsoring TidBITS -- It is with great pleasure that I welcome our latest sponsor, long-time Macintosh developer Aladdin Systems. Aladdin ranks as one of the best-known small Macintosh developers, especially in the online world where their signature product, StuffIt, has become the compression format of choice
Frontier 4.1 -- Dave Winer, Doug Baron, and the folks at UserLand have released Frontier 4.1, an updated version of their Internet-savvy Macintosh scripting environment
Corel WordPerfect 3.5.2 Updater -- Corel has released an updater to WordPerfect 3.5.2, which reportedly fixes about a dozen bugs, some centered around printing envelopes
Seymour Cray Passes Away -- This is not strictly Macintosh-related, but we wish to note the passing of Seymour Cray on 05-Oct-96, from injuries suffered in an automobile accident
As we noted back in October of 1995 in TidBITS-297, the year-long publication of DealBITS was something of an experiment. We wanted to see if we could rethink the way advertising on the Internet works to make it positive force for the industry
Last week, an article by Tom Abate in the San Francisco Examiner triggered an avalanche of speculation, wire service stories, and (as usual) semi-hysterical letters to TidBITS
Last week in TidBITS-347, the first part of this article described CE Software's QuicKeys (QK) and mentioned a new feature of the recent 3.5 release: toolbar triggers