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Apple’s market share is down, but what exactly does that mean? In this issue, we explore the seemingly random statistics about sales of operating systems. Also this week, Geoff Duncan examines pros, cons, and changes in Apple’s brand-new Mac OS 7.6, we look back to Macworld with some reader responses, and we note new versions of NetPresenz and UserLand Frontier, plus a significant beta release of Eudora.

Adam Engst No comments

Eudora Light/Pro Updated

Eudora Light/Pro Updated -- Qualcomm has released version 3.0.2b7 of Eudora Light and Pro. We seldom write about beta releases of software, thanks to the hyperactive release habits of Internet software, but this beta fixes some potentially annoying problems, such as an extra line when typing and most notably, nickname file corruption, caused in at least one case by dragging nicknames into a closed nickname file

Matt Neuburg No comments

Not the Final Frontier

Not the Final Frontier -- Frontier, from UserLand Software, has been updated to version 4.2. A powerful, fast Mac scripting environment, Frontier 4.2 features significantly refined Web site management tools (including NewsPage for constantly-updating pages), improved macro processing, live HTML editing in Frontier's built-in outliner, support for making MCF site maps (see TidBITS-355), a useful suite of Finder scripts for webmasters and authors (delivered via Leonard Rosenthol's OSA Menu), and tight integration with WebSTAR 2.0

Matt Deatherage No comments

Mac OS Hardware Market Flat?

A variety of market research firms recently released current statistics and future predictions for the computer industry, and the warhorse Mac OS gets mixed-to-negative marks for the future - depending on who you ask and what you ask. While most U.S

Jeff Carlson No comments

Responses to a Macworld Newbie

Tuesday was a good email day. After running "Impressions of a Macworld Newbie" article in TidBITS-362 (my first TidBITS article), I received a steady stream of comments and words of welcome from readers around the world. In particular, several people commented on my advice that new attendees refrain from picking up every freebie in sight, and others reacted to my mention of Steve Jobs's "Reality Distortion Field." Suzanne Courteau writes: First, I left my press bag at my office

Geoff Duncan No comments

Apple Ships Mac OS 7.6

Today, Apple shipped Mac OS 7.6, an all-encompassing system software release that includes a few new features, a significant set of changes under the hood, and a collection of Apple technologies that were previously available for free