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Apple’s PowerBooks not only redefined the laptop computer industry, but also embodied a nebulous combination of style, innovation, and prestige – elements Apple has been trying regain. In this issue, we take real-world looks at the newest contenders: the PowerBook 1400 and 3400, the latter currently holding the title as fastest laptop in the world. Also, Adam raises some interesting questions about Apple’s decision to drop Open Transport in Rhapsody.

Adam Engst No comments

CDA Goes to Washington

CDA Goes to Washington -- The U.S. Supreme Court has begun hearings on the Communications Decency Act. I won't pretend to analyze the results of the initial oral arguments, but I found reading the complete transcript to be fascinating

Adam Engst No comments

Rhapsody and Networks: Some Questions

As many of you know from reading my article in TidBITS-370, Apple has announced that Open Transport will enter "maintenance mode" and eventually be replaced in Rhapsody by Unix BSD (Berkeley Standard Distribution) networking code