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Another domino topples on the path to TidBITS world domination: in our 400th issue, Adam shows how TidBITS, which predated the Web by about four years, now uses sophisticated software to deliver a constantly changing Web site. Also, we note the release of ShareWay IP, look at Font Reserve, a program that may once and for all solve users’ font difficulties, and continue Rick Holzgrafe’s Successful Shareware series.

Adam Engst No comments

No TidBITS Next Week

No TidBITS Next Week -- TidBITS is taking next week off, so you won't see our next issue until 20-Oct-97. However, we plan to add items to TidBITS Updates on Web site, and NetBITS will appear as usual Thursday night

Tonya Engst No comments

Connectix and Insignia Face Off Over Emulation

Connectix and Insignia Face Off Over Emulation -- In our review of Connectix's $150 Virtual PC (see TidBITS-397), we noted Insignia Solutions had shipped RealPC, which (like Virtual PC) offers Pentium MMX emulation, but is targeted at DOS-based gamers and includes MS-DOS 6.22 and a CD of action games for about $80

Matt Neuburg No comments

The Final Font Frontier

The irony of fonts is this: they helped create the Macintosh revolution of 1984 and have been a pain in the ASCII ever since. Fonts lie at the heart of much of what we do on a Mac; yet, from the Font/DA Mover nightmare to System 7.1 and the Fonts folder, they have been persistently unmanageable. Fonts do need management