Need help organizing ideas? Check out Matt Neuburg’s review of Inspiration 5.0, a diagramming and outlining tool. Also in this final issue of 1997, Adam examines the numbers behind the Apple Store to see how it contributes to Apple’s bottom line, plus we bring news of a potential 56K modem standard, an update to last week’s digital camera article, and pointers to locating the MacPicasso video card noted in our holiday gifts issue. See you in 1998!
Last Issue for 1997 -- We're taking the next two weeks off for the holidays, so look for the next issue of TidBITS on 05-Jan-98. Since we will be spending time with family and friends, none of us will be checking email regularly
Meet the TidBITS Editors -- In my "Eudora Tips & Tricks" article in TidBITS-405, I promised to be at the Peachpit Press booth at Macworld Expo in San Francisco next month
Plug & Play Web Sites in NetBITS -- If you missed the last two NetBITS issues, check them out for a two-part article by Peter Kent on how to add snazzy features like chat rooms, shopping carts, and CGIs to your Web site without a stitch of programming
Rare MacPicasso Unearthed -- After reading last week's Holiday Gifts issue (TidBITS-409), several readers inquired about contact information for purchasing a MacPicasso 516 video card
56K Standards Wars Waning? Last week, the companies embroiled in the war for 56 Kbps modem standards reached a tentative agreement on a 56K technology that may become the official standard
Frontier 5.0 Alphas for Mac and Windows -- UserLand Software has released the first public alphas of Frontier 5.0 for the Mac and, for the first time ever, Windows
COPSTalk 2.5 Connects Win95 and AppleShare IP -- Apple's AppleShare IP 5 and ShareWay IP from Open Door Networks enable Mac users to access AppleShare volumes over the Internet
AutoShare 2.0 Released -- Mikael Hansen has released AutoShare 2.0, the latest version of his free mailing list manager and email auto-responder. AutoShare is small, speedy, fully scriptable, and compatible with Eudora Internet Mail Server and Stalker Internet Mail Server
Pixel Perfect -- Following Arthur H. Bleich's articles about choosing a digital camera (see TidBITS-407 and TidBITS-408), several sharp-eyed readers called attention to the fact camera resolution specifications were stated in terms of pixels per inch (ppi), when in fact they should be stated just in pixels
Apple's much-ballyhooed online Apple Store posted impressive-sounding results in its first month of operation. However, although there's no question that the Apple Store has been an online success, how much of a difference can it make in Apple's overall financial situation?
The day after the Apple Store opened, Apple claimed it did $500,000 of business in 12 hours, and last week Apple issued a press release trumpeting that the Apple Store did $12 million of business in its first month of operation
Being hopelessly addicted to the use of powerful, interesting structures to store and manipulate text, I've had a gloomy time of it lately, watching support dwindle for some of my favorite applications