Want to control a PC? Read on for Kevin Savetz’s review of VNC, a free remote control program. Want to protect credit card numbers and passwords? Adam looks at Web Confidential, a secure program for storing private information. Also, James Wilson relates how to place international phone calls from the Internet to normal telephones, and Geoff Duncan explains the hullabaloo surrounding security holes with email attachments.
Tilery 4.0.1 Released -- Rick Holzgrafe of Semicolon Software has released The Tilery 4.0.1, a maintenance release of his $15 shareware desktop launcher utility (see "The Tilery 4.0 Squares Off" in TidBITS-437)
Where Credit Is Due -- Last week in "TidBITS Talk and the TidBITS Talk Archive" in TidBITS-440, I mentioned "borrowing" an idea for a frame-based interface from a Web interface to a now-defunct discussion archive of the Frontier-Talk mailing list, developed by Acorn Software
Conflict Catcher Rebate Update -- Back in "Macworld Expo NYC Superlatives" in TidBITS-438 we wrote that Casady & Greene's Conflict Catcher 8.0 will cost $79.95 when it ships in early September and will include a $30 rebate
A recent CIAC security advisory identifies a potentially dangerous flaw involving email clients processing MIME attachments with unusually long file names (more than 200 characters)
I still recall the arrival of my parents' first telephone a few decades ago - a ponderous object cast from the best of British brown Bakelite, it often seemed to hick and snicker rather than ring
Back in TidBITS-279 in May of 1995, I wrote "PowerTalk to the Rescue?", an article about how we needed the PowerTalk Keychain to help with authenticated Web sites
[Editor's note: This article was updated 18-Nov-2007 to remove URLs that were out of date and directed users to inappropriate sites. For the latest on VNC and remote control software, consult TidBITS articles on Apple Remote Desktop, Timbuktu Pro, LogMeIn.com, and Leopard's Screen Sharing and Back to My Mac.]
I walked into my office and was flabbergasted