Looking for a powerful graphics program? Contributing Editor Matt Neuburg reviews the gargantuan CorelDRAW 8. Also this week, Adam introduces a new column called "Tools We Use" with a look at the freeware GURU, and we pass on additional information regarding working with MP3 audio files on the Mac. In the news, AOL buys Netscape for $4.2 billion, Alsoft releases the new disk repair program DiskWarrior, and we make a call for holiday gift suggestions.
MacAcademy Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, MacAcademy. As the software we rely on for word processing, graphic design, number crunching, and database work becomes more complex, training becomes increasingly important
Calling All Gift Suggestions! TidBITS has a holiday tradition of assembling reasonable Mac-oriented gift suggestions from readers. Usually, we collate these ideas, track down some details, add thoughts of our own, and publish the results in an article or even a special issue
AOL Buys Netscape for $4.2 Billion -- America Online has announced it will buy Netscape Communications in a $4.21 billion stock deal. Under the agreement, AOL will operate Netscape as a separate division, while leveraging Netscape's Web browser software and widely used NetCenter Web site
Alsoft's DiskWarrior Combats Directory Damage -- The folks at Alsoft, makers of DiskExpress Pro and PlusOptimizer, have released DiskWarrior, a new disk repair utility with a unique approach to recovering data
In the fuss over major productivity applications and well-known utilities, it's easy to lose sight of clever programs that make using our Macs easier or better
Kevin Savetz's recent article about the MP3 audio format (see "Move Over MTV, Now There's MP3" in TidBITS-455) sparked a great deal of interest from audiophiles on TidBITS Talk
Only someone vacationing on Jupiter would be unaware of the fanfare attending the August release of CorelDRAW 8. For months before, the coldly rendered features of actress Hedy Lamarr assaulted us from full-page magazine ads and monstrous Macworld Expo posters; and there followed what must be the longest-running promotional sale in history