Wondering what the future holds for Mac OS X? Jeff Carlson examines Mac OS X 10.1 as shown during the Macworld Expo keynote. Adam and Mark Anbinder continue the Macworld Expo coverage with looks at the most interesting products at the show, and we report on Mac OS 9.2’s quiet appearance. Finally, Jamie McCarthy editorializes about SirCam, the Windows email worm that can annoy even Mac users by bombarding them with futile infection attempts.
Mac OS 9.2 Slides Onto New Power Mac G4s -- With nary a mention in Steve Jobs's Macworld Expo keynote address, Apple last week began shipping computers with Mac OS 9.2 installed
Eudora Welty Dead at 92 -- Pulitzer Prize-winning author Eudora Welty died last Monday at age 92. Welty was a lifelong resident of Jackson, Mississippi, and an icon of American literature
The SirCam email worm has been pestering me - and vast numbers of other people around the world - all week. Luckily, it has been only an annoyance since I use Mailsmith on Mac OS X and SirCam infects only PCs running Microsoft Windows
More than any other event, Macworld Expo stirs up the excitement of Mac users looking for Apple's newest take on thinking different. Ironically, the show also tends to temper that excitement with an equal dose of patience
This year's Macworld Expo in New York City may have been an odd show with no spectacular announcements, but that doesn't mean nothing caught our eyes while wandering the show floor