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Longing to trade your Palm and cell phone in for a single svelte device? Jeff Carlson passes on the results of his tests of the Handspring Treo 180, perhaps the most successful of these hybrid devices. Also this week, Matt Neuburg returns to tell us about Tinderbox, an innovative text snippet keeper from hypertext pioneer Eastgate Systems. We also have our reader grade of Mac OS X, and ask that you vote for TidBITS in the 4th Best of the Mac Web survey.

Adam Engst No comments

Poll Results: Grading Mac OS X

Poll Results: Grading Mac OS X -- It's a bit hard to analyze the results of last week's poll asking how you'd grade Mac OS X. I was intrigued to see that the number of people who rated Mac OS X more highly than I did was almost the same as the number who rated it less highly, giving some level of credence to my grade

Jeff Carlson No comments

Handspring Treo 180: Almost There

I'm sure it was only weeks after the introduction of the original Pilot before someone asked, "If I have all my phone numbers in this little organizer anyway, why can't I use it as a phone, too?" To judge by the paucity of such devices since then, fusing a handheld and a cellular phone turns out to be a tricky problem. Size is the main issue