Continuing our coverage of Microsoft Office 2004, Matt Neuburg has the word on Word 2004, including what’s fixed, what’s improved, and what still needs work. Also this week, Agen Schmitz writes about the introduction of the iTunes Music Store in the U.K., France, and Germany. We also note Apple’s expanded iBook repair program, free Macworld Expo Boston tickets, the publication of Adam’s iPhoto 4 Visual QuickStart Guide, and the results of last week’s email client poll. Finally, we welcome Atlassian as a TidBITS sponsor!
Atlassian Sponsoring TidBITS -- Two weeks, two new long-term sponsors! It's great to see new companies recognizing the effectiveness of sponsoring TidBITS.
This week we're pleased to welcome to our core group of sponsors Atlassian, a small Australian company that makes a pair of fascinating products for organizations looking to make their project teams more effective
Free Macworld Expo Boston Tickets -- Macworld Conference and Expo in Boston is just around the calendar's corner (12-Jul-04 through 15-Jul-04), which means our friends at Peachpit Press once again have a batch of free passes to give away
iBook Repair Program Extended -- Apple has broadened its iBook Logic Board Repair program to include more models of the laptop (see "Apple Announces Replacements for Some iBook Logic Boards" in TidBITS-715)
iPhoto 4 Visual QuickStart Guide Available in Print and PDF -- This is embarrassing, but I just realized that I never mentioned that the latest version of my iPhoto book - iPhoto 4 for Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide - has been available for sale since the end of April (Peachpit released it right as we left for my sister's wedding in Hawaii, where I was sick the entire time - that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!)
Last week's poll asking about your preferred Macintosh email client generated some interesting data, non-scientific though it is. Apple's Mail ran away with the poll, picking up 41 percent of the more than 2,600 responses
Apple staged its own British invasion in London last week, announcing the opening of the iTunes Music Store in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany
As you know, unless you've spent the last couple of years re-enacting Shackleton's third voyage to the Antarctic, Microsoft Word 2004 is now a reality
The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn't yet use our preferred design.
AirPort Express -- How well will Apple's new wireless gadget bridge other base stations, and when will we see a remote control for AirTunes? (11 messages)
Switching from Eudora to Mail? Readers offer tips and software resources for those contemplating a switch from Eudora to Apple's Mail