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Where do you get your Mac-related news and information? Adam digs further into the results of the TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey and comes up with some surprising answers. Also in this issue, Brian Tanaka shares the secret of how he tracks his billable hours: OfficeTime. Rounding out the news, we note the releases of QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1, MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.3, Firmware Restoration CD 1.3, Microsoft Office 2004 11.3.6, and a major update to “Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac.” Lastly, if you’re a new iPhone owner with a weak stomach, you may not want to watch the video of the device’s losing battle with a high-powered blender.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Apple Releases QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1

Apple has updated QuickTime and iTunes, resolving issues with the H.264 video codec and fixing bugs. The primary changes in QuickTime 7.2 are fixes for several potential security vulnerabilities related to playback of malformed movie files and visiting maliciously crafted Web sites

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey Results: News & Info Sources

We've been busy with other things, but we haven't forgotten the results of our recent reader survey, which garnered responses from over 3,500 people. In the first installment (see "TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey Results: Who Are You?," 2007-03-12), I looked at what the results said about who reads TidBITS

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/16-Jul-07

Run Windows on a Mac with Up-to-Date Advice -- We've just released version 2.5 of "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac," bringing this essential 148-page book completely up-to-date

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/16-Jul-07

State of Mac Support for GPS -- Following Adam's review of GPS devices last year, what's the current state of the art? And more importantly, how is the Mac support? (9 messages) Best FM transmitter -- There are lots of devices designed to play music from an iPod over your car's stereo system, but how do they stack up? And is a wired cassette adapter a better alternative? (12 messages) PDF "resolution" -- A PDF file is resolution-independent, but the quality of the imagery can vary if it includes bitmapped pictures (such as JPEG photos, for example)