Laptops have become smaller and more powerful, but still the alternative beckons: Can you travel without one? Rich Mogull, self-described technology addict, ventures out on vacation armed only with his iPhone and lives to tell the tale. Rich also looks at the release of information on iCal security vulnerabilities which, although they pose little risk for Mac users, have yet to be patched by Apple. Also in this issue, Glenn Fleishman ponders options for recovering a stolen Mac following the recent report of a woman using Back to My Mac to apprehend thieves, and Adam notes what’s new in Nisus Writer Pro 1.1 and wonders if replicating Word’s feature set is enough to be competitive. If you’re a GarageBand user, check out our two new ebooks about GarageBand ’08. Finally, in the TidBITS Watchlist, we pass along information on SpamSieve 2.7, TextExpander 2.2, KeyCue 4.2, Airfoil 3.2, and Logic Pro 8.0.2.
Nisus Software has added commenting and mail merge to Nisus Writer Pro, bringing the program ever closer to the standard set by Microsoft Word. But will it be too little, too late?
Details on three new unpatched security flaws were just released. While the risk to Mac users is low, the announcement raises ethical issues about how vendors and security researchers approach security vulnerabilities.
Whether you're just getting started with GarageBand '08 or are an old pro looking for advice on getting the most from the program, check out Jeff Tolbert's new "Take Control of Making Music with GarageBand '08" and "Take Control of Recording with GarageBand '08."
Install some software and engrave a number on your Mac, and in the event that it's stolen, the computer may be able to help in its own recovery by sending you pictures or videos of the thief, or even by screaming for help if it finds itself in an Apple Store.
Some challenge their mettle by risking their lives in courageous acts. Others just try and survive a long weekend vacation without a trusty MacBook Pro, instead relying entirely on an iPhone.
Notable software releases so far this week include KeyCue 4.2, TextExpander 2.2, SpamSieve 2.7, Airfoil 3.2, and Logic Pro 8.0.2.
This week's discussions touch on encrypting folders, dealing with unsolicited email on an iPhone, running into problems using Mail on the Mac, videoconferencing using Skype, moving video from a DirecTV DVR to the Mac, replacing a monitor and Mac power supplies, and surviving a trip armed only with an iPhone.