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Adam Engst No comments

Scores Author Charged

With all the effort that many of you have put in responding to our survey, we hate to ask you to write yet another letter. However, you may want to do so depending on your experiences with viruses

Adam Engst No comments

Christmas Things

Before anything else, we'd like to wish you all a very happy holiday season, wherever you are and whatever holiday you'd like celebrate. Enjoy. Well, we've been sick, and it was a slow week, and we don't expect much more to happen next week either as everything stops for Christmas

Adam Engst No comments

Last Chance Survey

Well, this is it. This is the last week that our survey will be included in the issue. If you've responded already, please, we implore you, delete this item

Adam Engst No comments

Expo Expectations

Unlike the Macworld Expo in Boston this year, the San Francisco Expo promises to show some products that haven't been thoroughly squeezed of interest by the press (including us :-))

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS Survey (2nd chance)

You may have seen (and hopefully answered) our survey in the last issue. If you have responded, please click the Delete Card button below, so as to avoid redundancy

Adam Engst No comments

When I’m 68040…

By now I'm sure that most of you have heard of Motorola's speedy new chip, the 68040. Motorola finally announced this week that it will start shipping the 68040 in quantity, an announcement which a number of companies were waiting anxiously for

Adam Engst No comments

Disinfectant 2.4

It's gotten so that we can't even think of good titles for this article any more. It's repetitive, we know, and there's not much we can do to make it interesting short of telling lawyer jokes (no offense to any lawyers of course, most of our lawyer jokes come from lawyer friends

Adam Engst No comments

Afternoon, The Novel

It's not just a state of mind, it's a time of day. Afternoon is also the title of perhaps the first work of fiction that requires a computer to be read

Adam Engst No comments


What a lot of letters! It may become reality if AT&T succeeds in its bid to buy NCR. So far NCR has refused (and I may not have this exactly right - stocks are not my strong suit) stock offers of $85 and $90 per share, but AT&T isn't giving up

Adam Engst No comments

Not Exactly a Prodigy

The US political climate is about as strange as the average Ithaca weather in that it's seldom predictable, but often involves slush. Battles have been waged over issues like flag burning (does it count if I throw a TIFF image of the American flag in my Mac's trash can?) and other free expression issues

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS Survey!

This is our 32nd issue, and it seems like a fine time for the first official TidBITS Survey. "Why the 32nd issue?" you ask. No reason whatsoever, we assure you, except that it's nice to know who out there reads TidBITS

Adam Engst No comments


[Editor's Note: Thanks to Terry Harpold for sending this for TidBITS. If you can make it to this session, we guarantee that it will be a stimulating hour and fifteen minutes

Adam Engst No comments

A Cork Computer

A Texas company called Cork Computer Corp. claims to have designed a computer requiring only the 128K ROMs from a Mac 512KE, Plus, or SE to give it a IIci's performance

Adam Engst No comments

HyperCard Confusion

Yes folks, the epic tale of confusion continues. We just saw a press release from Claris and there are not one, not two, but three different releases of HyperCard 2.0

Adam Engst No comments

The System in the New Machine

As you may already know, the Classic will boot from a ROM disk if you perform the dextrous feat of holding down the command-option-x-o (XO was the Classic's code name) keys during startup