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Adam Engst No comments

Two Hundred Issues?

I'm astonished. Two hundred issues is a lot, and I had no idea we would reach this mark, not because I ever planned to stop publishing TidBITS, but because I seldom think about the future in that respect

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS History

The first issue of TidBITS is dated 16-Apr-90. I sit here, four years later, working on our 222nd issue, and think about all that has changed and all that has remained the same

Joe Kissell 24 comments

Nisus Writer Pro 2.0: The Review

After years of lagging behind its Classic predecessor, Nisus Writer Pro is back with a vengeance. Joe Kissell puts version 2.0 through its paces and makes some surprising discoveries.

Adam Engst


The Macworld Expo season is starting, and we offer tips on figuring out what you’ll want to do and see at Macworld Expo and in New York City. Also this week, Adam starts an article…

Adam Engst


This week’s issue is about the ending of quests. Andrew Laurence finally finds an Internet-configured universal remote control – the Logitech Harmony – that takes over from the rest. And has Matt Neuburg, the ultimate…

Adam Engst


Apple promises future PowerPC upgrades for specific Macintoshes, announces that they turned a small profit last quarter, and officially terminates its relationship with John Sculley. Filling out the issue, we have the latest on Adam’s…

Adam Engst


Matt Neuburg’s investigation into Inspiration 4.0 and other outliners anchors this issue, aided by Mark Anbinder’s article on the Newton and some competition from EO. We also have bits about the Color Classic, one possible…

Adam Engst


Want to download commercial software for free, legally? In this issue, Matt Neuburg explores the curious case of obsolete and unsupported software, some of which (like the popular outliners MORE and Acta) you can have…

Adam Engst


This week we cover Apple’s announcement of a strong fiscal Q4 for 2006, along with their admission that some iPods shipped with a Windows virus. In the software world, Parallels Desktop receives an official update,…

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Drawing: A Sharp’s Opal

I introduced last week's DealBITS drawing for Rogue Amoeba's Fission audio editing program by talking about how good it was to see simple, focused programs returning to a field after the major applications had become more complex than was desired by many early users

Jeff Carlson No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/05-Nov-07

This week in TidBITS Talk, readers bat Leopard issues back and forth, asking about issues of compatibility with older programs and reporting some early bugs and questions.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Best Footnote Forward: Papyrus 8.0.7

Throughout my Classics career, the hardest part of scholarly writing was managing the bibliography. My thesis was particularly nightmarish. Like most humanities Ph.D

Adam Engst No comments

Poll Results: Long in the Tooth

Last week's poll asking about your oldest regularly used program proved fascinating in a number of ways, not the least of which was in the enthusiasm it generated on TidBITS Talk, where we heard about the many old programs still in regular use throughout the Macintosh world

Adam Engst No comments

WriteRight: The Writer’s Word Processor

Please accept my sincere apologies if the title of this article has raised your pulse along with your hopes. There is no WriteRight, and, speaking as a professional writer, with thousands of articles and numerous books under my belt, I'm comfortable saying that the Macintosh world doesn't have a word processor that's designed for writers

TidBITS Staff No comments

2003 Software Gift Ideas

Our first inclination when suggesting software is to recommend useful utilities that prove invaluable every day. But software is a big field, with room enough for utility and whimsey, both of which are represented this year