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Series: TidBITS History

TidBITS has been publishing continuously since 1990. Here’s what we’ve had to say for ourselves – then and now.

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS Anniversary: Looking Back over 15 Macintosh Years

This week marks our 15th anniversary of TidBITS, and although we remain somewhat astonished that we've maintained a weekly publication schedule through so many years, the evidence that we've done so is incontrovertible

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS 16th Anniversary Vacation

TidBITS 16th Anniversary Vacation -- This week marks the 16th anniversary of TidBITS, which we're celebrating with a West Coast vacation that will also feature a dinner with the Seattle-based members of the staff, along with a visit to our Xserve at digital.forest to install Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Server

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS Turns 17

Today marks the 17th anniversary of TidBITS, which we've published continuously since 1990. On previous anniversaries, I've written about our accomplishments, our goals, lessons we've learned, and more

Adam Engst No comments

Follow Along Through 18 Years of TidBITS

TidBITS turns 18 this week, and Adam celebrates by looking back at Mac news in each of our anniversary issues to track just how far we've come since 1990.

Adam Engst No comments

A Few Thoughts After 19 Years of TidBITS

On the 19th anniversary of TidBITS, Adam takes a moment to look back at how the technology world has changed and to look forward at the trends we'll see continuing into the future. Bold prediction: we'll keep publishing TidBITS for the foreseeable future!

Adam Engst 12 comments

TidBITS Celebrates 20 Years of Internet Publication

It's official! TidBITS turns 20 years old this week, and we're celebrating by giving away an iPhone, iPod touch, or iTunes Gift Card, and by sharing what makes TidBITS special for us.

Adam Engst 26 comments

Twenty Years of Memories from Friends of TidBITS

With TidBITS turning 20, we asked many friends and colleagues about their history with our little newsletter. The number and quality of replies has been overwhelming, and we're thrilled to share them.

TidBITS Staff 6 comments

TidBITS Staffers Recall How They Got Their Starts

Some TidBITS editors have written for the publication for nearly its entire history, while a few are relative newbies - this means you, Rich Mogull and Doug McLean. The staff peers into the past to remember how they were sucked into this venture, and what it has meant to them.

Adam Engst 9 comments

TidBITS Turns 22: Are You a TidBITS Member?

This week marks the 22nd year of continuous publication for TidBITS. Will you help us continue for another 22 years by becoming a TidBITS member?

Adam Engst 21 comments

23 Years of TidBITS: Thoughts on Our Past, Present, and Future

TidBITS marks its 23rd year of bringing you the most important news about the Apple ecosystem this week. To commemorate the occasion, Adam shares his thoughts about becoming the oldest active Internet-only publication, announces the hiring of a managing editor supported by the TidBITS membership program, and muses about what the role of TidBITS is in today’s Internet.

Adam Engst 12 comments

24 Years of TidBITS and Stronger than Ever

It’s a little shocking to realize just how long we’ve been publishing TidBITS, but thanks to the revenue from several thousand TidBITS members, we’re publishing more and better content for you than ever before. Will you join us?

Adam Engst 47 comments

TidBITS Hits a Quarter Century of Internet Publishing

It seems like only yesterday we were reviewing Now Utilities and writing about the latest update to WordPerfect. That’s right, TidBITS has now been publishing for 25 years, making us one of the oldest Internet publications of all time. Adam shares some of how we got here.

Adam Engst 13 comments

TidBITS Turns 26: Thoughts on Apple’s Evolution

On our 26th anniversary, TidBITS Publisher Adam Engst muses about the kind of company into which Apple has evolved. It’s not the Apple of Steve Jobs anymore.

Adam Engst 58 comments

TidBITS Turns 27: Pondering the Future

While marking the 27th anniversary of the founding of TidBITS, publisher Adam Engst looks forward to upcoming life changes that might free up enough time to rebuild the increasingly creaky technical infrastructure around TidBITS’s strong content heart.

Adam Engst 18 comments

TidBITS Marks Its 29th Anniversary… and Earth Day!

We held off on celebrating our 29th anniversary for a few days so we could publish this article to coincide with Earth Day. In honor of that, we’re calculating just how many trees we’ve saved over the past 29 years by publishing solely online, rather than in print. Yes, it’s silly. And there’s a picture of cheese!