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Series: TidBITS History

TidBITS has been publishing continuously since 1990. Here’s what we’ve had to say for ourselves – then and now.

Adam Engst 44 comments

TidBITS Marks Its 30th Anniversary in a Time of Pandemic

It’s hard to celebrate during these dark days, but time trundles on, and this week is the 30th anniversary of when we started publishing TidBITS, way back in 1990. Adam Engst shares some thoughts on the milestone.

Adam Engst No comments

Four TidBITS 30th Anniversary Podcasts

A number of podcasts helped us celebrate the 30th anniversary of TidBITS by inviting publisher Adam Engst on as a guest, and the resulting conversations are well worth listening to if you enjoy reminiscing about the early days of the Macintosh world.

Adam Engst 32 comments

31 Years of TidBITS Keeping It Real

Has it really been a year since we marked our 30th anniversary? It was hard to stay positive in 2020, but just as science and technology have given the world a way out of the pandemic, we’re going to focus more on the positive ways Apple-related technology can improve our lives.

Adam Engst 12 comments

LittleBITS: Issue #1600, Card Testing Attack, Preventing Inadvertent Unsubscribes

Is it really TidBITS#1600 already? The weeks just keep slipping by as we write and edit TidBITS and keep up with all that’s necessary for a modern-day Internet presence.

Adam Engst 5 comments

TidBITS 32nd Anniversary and the 32K Text Barrier

Powers of 2 resonate throughout the world of technology, so on our 32nd anniversary, it’s impossible not to think of the long-ago limitation that kept Mac apps and Internet gateways from being able to deal with more than 32K of text.

Adam Engst 36 comments

33 Years of TidBITS: Handcrafted Content from Humans

In honor of the 33rd anniversary of TidBITS, Adam Engst explains the last six months of changes, including the departure of managing editor Josh Centers and an increased focus on sharing solutions to personal tech problems.

Adam Engst 15 comments

34 Years of TidBITS and New Mac App Discounts for Members

It’s our 34th anniversary today, and Adam Engst marks the occasion by sharing some thoughts and stats about where TidBITS is now, along with new discounts on apps from the Ukrainian companies Belight Software and MacPaw.