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Tag: copyright

Adam Engst 10 comments

TUAW Joins iLounge as an AI-Powered Zombie Site 

The Unofficial Apple Weblog, an early player in the Apple blogosphere that has been defunct for a decade, has been revived as an AI-powered site that rewrites content from other sites. iLounge suffered the same fate. Avoid both sites from now on.

Adam Engst 8 comments

Troubling Copyright Bill Goes to the US Senate

A new bill coming before the Senate would establish a quasi-judicial body in the Copyright Office that would be empowered to levy fines of up to $30,000 for even inadvertent instances of copyright infringement. This is the last chance to stop or modify the CASE Act.

Josh Centers 2 comments

The EU Passes Copyright Directive

The European Union has passed the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive and its controversial Articles 11 and 13, which regulate online use of news articles and posting of copyrighted content. But it will be several years before it’s implemented in the laws of EU members states.

Josh Centers 13 comments

EFF: Europe’s Copyright Directive Worse Than Imagined

Europe’s potentially disastrous Internet copyright rule update is headed to the European Parliament for a vote, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation warns that it’s even worse than before.

Glenn Fleishman 17 comments

New US Streaming Law Aids Musicians’ Rights and Payments

The Music Modernization Act just signed into US law brings consistency to the rights of musicians and songwriters. More musicians will be paid, especially those who recorded songs decades ago or longer.

Josh Centers 13 comments

New EU Copyright Regulations Threaten the Internet

Two European Union copyright reform proposals, if they pass, could hamper sharing news articles and uploading content online.