Growl 1.2.2
The Growl Project has released version 1.2.2 of their system-wide notification utility. Growl 1.2.2 introduces several small bug fixes, including one that resolves an incompatibility with MobileMe mail accounts. In addition, the group has also updated GrowlTunes, which can be used to provide notifications of iTunes-generated events, and the libraries used by developers to interface with Growl. None of the fixes are earth-shattering, but they’re worth picking up at some point to stop Growl from notifying you of the update. (Free, 6.9 MB)
I have received 5 Growl update notifications in the last few weeks. I downloaded each one. One of them was for 1.3.2, I think. The download yesterday was for 1.2.2. Any cause for paranoia?
I'm guessing you just saw it wrong, though it's possible they mis-numbered it briefly and then fixed it later.
I just got yet another update notice. I sent a screenshot to Marco Tabini. I am not exactly sure what Growl does anyway. One of my third party apps recommended it. I recently let my mobileme account expire. Is this possibly the problem?
Have you actually installed the updates?
You can open the Growl pane in System Preferences to see what version you have.
Growl is a system-wide notification utility that a vast number of apps use to provide notifications of things like new mail, finished uploads, and the like.
Sometime during the update flurries I checked with the app and it was the latest version. My solution was to uninstall Growl, first via the Growl package, and then with another uninstall I found via google after the first uninstall left lots of folders lying around. Also, What's Keeping Me helped roust them all out. I am still getting notifications of Mail, etc., so I haven't missed Growl yet. I guess this is pointlessly wasting your time, but since you kindly replied I thought I would send a fyi. Thank you for your support.