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Neo Network Utility 1.1

DEVONtechnologies has released Neo Network Utility 1.1, a solid update to the free network discovery, testing, and monitoring tool (see “DEVONtechnologies Resurrects Network Utility,” 7 August 2024). The update brings support for IPv6, provides a Copy button in the output text field, and adds options to show or hide hidden network adapters, display underlying shell commands, and benchmark uplink and downlink separately in the Speed test. It also retains the selected tab across launches, better detects hardware details, resolves a crash if the app was left idle for a very long time, and fixes several cosmetic bugs. (Free, 4.9 MB, release notes in the app, macOS 13+)

Neo Network Utility 1.1 Speed screen

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Comments About Neo Network Utility 1.1

Notable Replies

  1. LOL the one time you didn’t delete my comment it actually moved the developer to make the changes (adding IPv6) that I proposed.

    BTW I still prefer WhatRoute but there are a few features in the Network Utility that are not in that so I will keep both.

    PS: it couldn’t hurt to cover IPv6 more. There are a lot of issues with using IPv6. For one thing there is no standard on how ISP’s support IPv6. That’s why these network utilities are so important.

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