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New Apple Accessibility Features Coming Later This Year

Apple writes:

Apple today announced new accessibility features coming later this year, including Eye Tracking, a way for users with physical disabilities to control iPad or iPhone with their eyes. Additionally, Music Haptics will offer a new way for users who are deaf or hard of hearing to experience music using the Taptic Engine in iPhone; Vocal Shortcuts will allow users to perform tasks by making a custom sound; Vehicle Motion Cues can help reduce motion sickness when using iPhone or iPad in a moving vehicle; and more accessibility features will come to visionOS.

While I was traveling last week, Apple unveiled a slate of new accessibility features due to ship in the next generation of the company’s operating systems. If you or any Apple device owners you know have trouble with today’s devices, read through the descriptions of what’s coming to see if one or more of these features will improve the user experience.

In iOS 17, I’ve been disappointed that Voice Control’s dictation often stops listening or misses chunks of what I say (see “How iOS and macOS Dictation Can Learn from Voice Control’s Dictation,” 31 August 2020). That sends me back to standard dictation, which lacks Voice Control’s handy voice-based editing capabilities (and suffers from serious capitalization problems in the Gmail app). Hopefully, iOS 18’s dictation will gain editing capabilities, and its Voice Control dictation will work better.

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