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Category: Entertainment

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Blu-ray Wins High-Definition Disc Format Battle

The format war over high-definition video stored on discs is over: Sony and its Blu-ray spec stands triumphant over Toshiba's HD-DVD. The real winners? You, as you don't have to decide among competing formats for home, computer, or disc purchases.

Mark Boszko No comments

Extend iTunes Movie Rentals Beyond 24 Hours

Apple says that iTunes movie rentals expire after 24 hours, but is that really true? Mark Boszko investigates, and find out that you're not necessarily out of luck if you can't finish in that 24-hour window.

Adam Engst No comments

Apple Punished for iTunes Success

Apple didn't announce DRM-free tracks in the iTunes Store at Macworld, and while that's disappointing, is it really Apple's fault?

Glenn Fleishman No comments

iTunes Fails the Parental Rental

All those of you who can get through a feature film at home in a single sitting in one night, take one step backwards. Those remaining in front have tiny children, limited time, or short attention spans. We'd like iTunes Store movie rentals to give us more flexibility.

Jeff Carlson No comments

QuickTime 7.4 Improves Security, but Not Enough

Apple released QuickTime 7.4 to coincide with the latest update to iTunes and to provide a handful of important security fixes. However, QuickTime is still vulnerable to a new exploit discovered just before version 7.4 was released.

Jeff Carlson No comments

iMovie 7.1.1 and Front Row 2.1.2 Released

iMovie '08 and Front Row were both updated with minor bug fixes and improved compatibility, but for some reason the MacBook Air received all the attention.

TidBITS Staff No comments

iTunes Movie Rentals and Apple TV, Take 2

Apple announced movie rentals through the iTunes Store (including HD rentals), and unveiled Apple TV 2.0, a free software update that adds direct purchase or rental of media and a new interface.

Adam Engst No comments

Amazon MP3 Scores DRM-Free Music: What About Apple? has signed up all four major music labels to provide DRM-free music for Amazon MP3. Can we expect Apple to announce an equivalent amount of DRM-free music in the iTunes Store at Macworld?

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Airfoil 3 Spreads Music Streaming Beyond AirPort Express

The latest version of Airfoil synchronizes video to remote audio, and can stream audio to remote Macs, not just AirPort Express Base Stations.

Adam Engst No comments

Listen to Music Online with PandoraBoy

If you like listening to music via the online music service Pandora, but hate the way it lives in your Web browser, check out the free PandoraBoy, which provides an interface directly to Pandora, along with global hotkey controls and Growl notifications.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Apple Cuts iTunes Plus Price to 99 Cents

iTunes Plus songs now cost just 99 cents, probably due to competition from's recently launched MP3 store, which charges 89 to 99 cents for the same music.

Adam Engst No comments

Radioshift TiVos Internet Radio

Did podcasting kill the radio star? No, it has merely been resting, and thanks to Rogue Amoeba's new Radioshift, which brings TiVo-like capabilities to Internet radio (and even AM/FM stations when coupled with a RadioShark), radio's star is once again rising.

Adam Engst No comments

Amazon MP3 Takes on the iTunes Store

With the public beta of Amazon MP3, online retail giant is giving Apple's iTunes Store a run for its money. Is the elegance and breadth of the iTunes Store enough to beat Amazon MP3's DRM-free music, 256 Kbps encoding, and lower prices?

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Starbucks To Give Away 50 Million iTunes Songs

37 artists are featured in a 50 million song iTunes giveaway, tying Starbucks and Apple even more closely in the digital music realm.

Adam Engst No comments

iTunes Store Loses NBC TV Shows, Expands in UK

The iTunes Store will stop selling televsion shows from NBC Universal in response to a demand for increased pricing. Could this defection foreshadow other problems, or could there be a reason for Vivendi-related companies attacking Apple?