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Category: iPhone, iPad, & iOS

Rich Mogull No comments

iPhone Security Tips

Avoid rogue wireless networks and take advantage of your iPhone's security features with just a few simple screen taps and slides.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

iPhone Roundup: AT&T Wi-Fi, Out of Stock, International Carriers

The iPhone has had a busy but passive couple of weeks. Wi-Fi in the U.S.? Free! Gone! Back! Away! Apple runs out of stock, fueling rumors about the 3G iPhone. And Apple signs deals to bring the iPhone to about 2 billion more people.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

AT&T Adds iPhone Plan for Hearing, Speech Impaired

A new AT&T service plan for hearing- and speech-impaired customers reduces the monthly cost of the iPhone if you don't need any or much voice service.

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News: iPhone Ebook Now Covers iPhone 1.1.4

Taking advantage of our freedom from print, we've released an update to Ted Landau's "Take Control of Your iPhone" that makes it unique among books in covering the iPhone 1.1.4 software.

Ted Landau No comments

Get More From the iPhone’s Text Widget

Texting on the iPhone is fun and useful, but it also can be expensive and may not work all the time. Discover how to track and reduce your bill, and find tips on solving problems with the Text widget.

Adam Engst No comments

Iridium-Capable iPhone Not Entirely Laughable

Who knew that our joke about the iPhone gaining satellite-phone capabilities would become reality (after a fashion) only three days later?

Adam Engst No comments

iPhone Goes International with Iridium

3G cellular technology has been widely expected for the next iPhone revision, but that's not all. Sources indicate that Apple will buy Iridium Satellite and incorporate the satellite phone technology into the iPhone, making it work anywhere on the planet.

Joe Kissell No comments

Time Machine Support Added to iPhone and iPod Touch

An undocumented change discovered in the beta iPhone 2.0 firmware may indicate that Apple plans to turn the iPhone and iPod touch into portable backup destinations for Time Machine. Could this presage versions of these devices with dramatically more storage?

Glenn Fleishman No comments

AT&T Lowers Cancellation Fee

Starting with new contracts as of 25-May-08, the $175 early-termination penalty that AT&T charges will turn into more of a prorated fee that's reduced by $5 per month.

Adam Engst No comments

iPhone the Hot Ticket Item in… Syria?

You may not be able to buy an iPhone legally throughout much of the world yet, but that's not stopping people in all sorts of countries.

Adam Engst No comments

Discussing the Importance of the iPhone SDK on MacNotables

Tune into this two-part MacNotables podcast to hear more about the iPhone SDK announcement, including the business model, the positive initial response from developers, the enterprise aspects of the announcement, and more.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

AT&T Offers Unlimited Voice Use iPhone Plan

iPhone owners can get an unlimited voice usage plan, although that plan wasn't posted on Apple's site for over two weeks after AT&T's announcement of such services.

Glenn Fleishman Adam Engst No comments

Apple Announces iPhone 2.0, Releases SDK

At a special event in Cupertino, Apple talked about what users can expect to see in iPhone 2.0, and officially announced the release of the iPhone software development kit. The iPhone 2.0 software is scheduled for release in June 2008, a year after the original iPhone shipped. However, a beta of 2.0 is available immediately for selected developers and enterprise customers; it includes support for the iPhone SDK along with new enterprise features.

Adam Engst No comments

Open Letter to Steve Jobs: In Support of an iPod reader

Steve Jobs dismissed the Kindle by claiming that people don't read anymore, but that's just wrong (case in point, you're reading this now). Could Steve be aiming to soften up the market in advance of a tablet-sized iPod tweaked for reading? Adam makes the case for why we're reading more than ever and why Apple is the company to bring us the device that will finally fulfill the promise of the ebook reader.

Adam Engst No comments

iPhone 1.1.4 Update Preps for SDK?

The latest version of the operating system for the iPhone and iPod touch fixes some bugs and may lay some groundwork for the upcoming SDK.