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Category: Networking

Adam Engst No comments

Apple Remote Desktop 3.2 Fixes Bugs

Apple has released Apple Remote Desktop 3.2 Admin and Client, fixing a variety of nagging bugs, improving performance in several situations, and adding Leopard compatibility.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

ICANN Tests Non-Roman Characters in Domain Names

Speakers (and writers) of languages that use non-Roman character scripts and letters should rejoice: they'll finally be able to type .com in their native tongue and keyboards.

Travis Butler No comments

Nokia N800 Internet Tablet: iPhone without the Phone?

Many people claim they want the iPhone without the phone part, but the iPod touch seems to have a few too many limitations. What about Nokia's N800 Internet Tablet, which provides a full-featured Web browser on a Linux-based platform? Travis Butler looks deep into the N800 to see how it stacks up.

Adam Engst No comments

Confessions of a Twitter Convert

Is Twitter a truly inane waste of time, where people blather about trivialities, as Adam originally thought, or is it actually a useful service that can provide not just interesting commentary from interesting people, but also up-to-the-minute headline news? (Hint, it's the latter!)

Glenn Fleishman No comments

An Electronic Book Giveaway: 2003, a Disaster; 2007, a Pittance

Four years ago, I nearly bankrupted myself with a bandwidth bill for 200 GB of transfers over a couple of days. Last week, the same transfers cost $25. It's the future: cheap bandwidth and many options for distribution.

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News: All About 802.11n AirPort Extreme Networking

Glenn Fleishman has forgotten more about Wi-Fi than most people know, but luckily he wrote it all down in a pair of Take Control ebooks first. Both "Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Extreme Network" and "Take Control of Your Wi-Fi Security" have now been updated with the very latest information from the wireless world, and even better, both are free updates for our loyal readers. Can we grab a nap now?

Glenn Fleishman Jeff Carlson No comments

iPhone 1.1.1 Adds Features and Updates Security

A new firmware release for the iPhone fixes numerous security problems, while adding subtle features, such as the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, and a switch that lets you avoid expensive overseas data charges.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Wi-Fi Exploit Precursor Published One Year Later

The Wi-Fi exploit heard round the world a year ago August is now explicated in an extremely technical paper. But still no simple, verifiable, third-party proof, despite what are ostensibly the researcher's best intentions.

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News: Make the Most of Apple Mail and .Mac

In an effort to clear the decks before Leopard pounces, we have published not one, not two, but three free updates to popular Take Control books about Apple Mail, managing spam with Apple Mail, and Apple's .Mac online service.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

OWC Ships 802.11n Adapters for Older Macs

More options to update older Macs to nearly the fastest flavor of Wi-Fi - 802.11n - without fuss. A USB option is particularly attractive for the widest support of varied systems.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Connect More Easily to Wi-Fi Hotspots with the iPhone

A Wi-Fi connection program lets you hook your iPhone into hotspots without entering a user name and password at each location. It removes the friction from connecting to public free and fee networks.

TidBITS Staff No comments

Apple Introduces iPod touch, Wi-Fi iTunes Store, and New iPods

Instead of resting on its laurels, Apple continues to break new ground in the iPod world, releasing the iPhone-like iPod touch, putting a 160 GB drive in the new iPod classic, enabling the new iPod nano to play video, and giving the iPod shuffle new colors. Other announcements included the capability to purchase custom ringtones for the iPhone from the iTunes Store, the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store for the iPhone and iPod touch, and a price drop - $200! - for the iPhone.

Adam Engst No comments

Win a MacBook or iPod nano from Fetch Softworks

If you use Fetch in an academic setting, writing a short essay could win you a brand new MacBook and $750 or a new 8GB iPod nano and $100.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Mysterious .Mac Slowdowns in Europe

A TidBITS reader emailed us this week wondering if we'd experienced or heard of an issue where subscribers to .Mac in Europe are seeing unusually slow download speeds (capped at roughly 768Kbps). Apple responded to our query.

Adam Engst No comments

Penelope Project Ships Eudora 8.0.0b1

After nearly 11 months, the Penelope project has shipped the first public beta of Eudora 8.0, marking the release of something that's functional, but probably more attractive to developers than normal users.