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Category: Networking

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Hidden Network Information in Leopard AirPort Menu

An option in Leopard - literally - lets you get a quick glimpse of your Wi-Fi network connection's speed, signal strength, and other details. And another hidden bit of interface goodness reveals signal strength and encryption method for other nearby networks.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Punching a Hole for Back to My Mac

Back to My Mac can work with a little firewall configuration help, and Apple's provided some more detail that we explain how to use. Also, Apple confesses Back to My Mac's security weaknesses - at either end of the connection, not in the middle.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.4.11 with Safari 3

The question of whether Safari 3 would be released for Tiger is answered: yes. Apple pushed out Mac OS X 10.4.11, which fixes a huge list of bugs and security flaws along with the enhanced Web browser.

Adam Engst No comments

Fetch 5.3 Dons Leopard Spots

Fetch Softworks has released Fetch 5.3 with lots of Leopard-specific features along with the capability to use Copy and Paste to upload files and move files between servers.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Webjimbo 2 Eases Network Setup, Adds iPhone Interface

A new version of Webjimbo provides better remote access to the arcana of ours lives stored in Bare Bones Software's Yojimbo, while offering a separate iPhone-tailored interface.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Google’s View of Our Cell Phone Future Is an Android, Not a GPhone

Google is not building a phone; it's building its vision of the future. A consortium of companies, many of them competitors, are backing a free, open-source cell phone platform that could be customized at will, providing unprecedented options for consumers. We'll see.

Rich Mogull No comments

Leopard Firewall Takes One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

Apple touted Leopard's firewall as an improvement over Tiger, but security consultant Rich Mogull found significant problems with how it works and makes some suggestions for better security.

Adam Engst No comments

Apple to Allow Virtualization of Leopard

Apple has changed the software license agreement for Leopard Server to allow virtualization, something that was previously forbidden. Read on for news from Parallels and VMware about their plans, an explanation from the field of why virtualizing servers is a good thing, and speculation about what this means for the future of the Xserve.

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Gmail’s New IMAP Support a Boon to Mac and iPhone Users

Last week, Google announced Gmail now supports IMAP connections, making their free Web-based mail client even more useful for Mac users and iPhone users on the go.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Screen Sharing with Leopard Extends to Tiger

Leopard lets you share and share alike, offering your system up for remote viewing and control, as well as letting you take control of others' systems (with their permission). But Tiger can play nice, too, through built-in Mac OS X support and Chicken of the VNC.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Leopard Simplifies File Sharing

Leopard overhauls file sharing for services like AFP (remembered fondly as AppleShare), Samba, and FTP, while bringing back the long-missed shared folders options. The new approach makes it much easier for any user to share files over a network or the Internet.

Adam Engst No comments

TwitterWhere Illuminates California Fires

With the new TwitterWhere service, you can find tweets from people in specific locations, making it an interesting way to track important events like the Southern California fires.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

iPhone Software Development Kit Set for February 2008

Steve Jobs writes a short note assuring his interest in allowing third-party development of programs for the iPhone (and, by the way, iPod touch), reminding us sternly of how dangerous mobile phone viruses and malware are, and setting a date for release of the software toolkit: February 2008.

Adam Engst No comments

900 Issues and a Free Ebook on Wi-Fi

To commemorate our 900th issue of TidBITS, we're giving away a free ebook version of the "The Wireless Networking Starter Kit, Second Edition." Enjoy!

Glenn Fleishman No comments

3G Cell Data iPhone Now Feasible

Broadcom announces new third-generation cell chip that could be the core of a next-generation iPhone. Kitchen sink? You bet. Couple 3G with ARM processors, Bluetooth, stereo audio, and FM radio - and the fastest GSM-based 3G data protocols on the market.