Lots of hot news in this issue: Apple announces new Macs, Adobe announces PageMill 2.0, Specular announces 3D Web Workshop, Connectix ships the Color QuickCam, and you can download betas of Eudora Pro 3.0 and Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word 6. This issue also brings you information on a few compatibility problems with the System 7.5.3 update and a follow-up to Adam’s recent article about Internet chain mail.
It's been an interesting few days. Last Thursday, my main Mac - a Centris 660AV - started to experience weird errors and crashes. I tried basic fixes first, repairing minor problems with Norton Disk Doctor and rebuilding desktops, but the problems worsened
More Bookmarks than Books -- I've written another part to the bookmark managers mini-series that began in TidBITS-323 and continued in TidBITS-324. We didn't have space in this issue to include Part III, but we do plan to run the article next week
Eudora Pro 3.0 Beta Available -- Qualcomm has released a public beta of Eudora Pro 3.0 for owners of Eudora Pro 2.x. I've been using earlier test releases for a month or so now, and find the added features extremely welcome
Apple Unveils Four New Power Macs, Upgrade Cards -- Today Apple unveiled four new PowerPC 604-based Power Macs: the 9500/150, 8500/150, and 8500/132 (essentially faster versions of current 9500 and 8500 models), plus the Power Mac 7600/120
New All-In-One Macs for Education -- Last week Apple announced the Power Macintosh 5260/100 and 5400/120, which are specifically targeted at the education market
Apple PC Compatibility Cards for Power Macs -- Apple has officially announced its next generation of PC Compatibility cards, designed to provide Windows and MS-DOS capability to PCI Power Macs
Free Email, but not for Us -- D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. today launched Juno, a nationwide free email service sponsored by advertiser dollars, claiming the model used by free TV and radio stations ought to work on the Internet
Almost two years after bringing video input capability within financial reach of ordinary Mac users with its attractive, spherical QuickCam video camera, Connectix recently upped the ante with the new Color QuickCam, available shortly from dealers and mail-order firms for about $230
In TidBITS-318 Geoff reported on System 7.5.3, and in TidBITS-322 and TidBITS-323, I talked about how you might obtain the update. Reports I've seen suggest once you've successfully installed 7.5.3 you won't encounter many compatibility problems
I've been slightly remiss in reporting on Web authoring stuff lately, so I want to mention a few noteworthy recent events and also share some of the information in Adobe's official announcement of PageMill 2.0.
Tables for BBEdit -- If you use BBEdit for Web authoring and wish to create tables, don't miss Stephen Marshall's $5 shareware BBEdit HTML Tables version 1.0.1, which brings rather good table-making abilities to BBEdit
My article on chain mail in TidBITS-324 elicited more responses than I'd anticipated. They fell into a couple of categories that I found interesting, and I thought I'd share some of the information with you.
Creative Responses -- Several people wrote in with creative responses to chain mail messages