Want a lighting-fast database that Contributing Editor Matt Neuburg says is the best general database he’s ever used? Check out his detailed review of ProVue Development’s Panorama 4.0. Mark Anbinder chimes in with a look at Apple’s AirPort 2.0, which boasts better security and unique compatibility with AOL. In the news we look at releases of Mac OS X 10.1.1, Microsoft Office X, Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1, and Suitcase 10.1. Plus, no issue next week!
Next Issue 03-Dec-01! As is our custom, we're taking next week off for the U.S. Thanksgiving holidays. We'll publish next on 03-Dec-01. [ACE]
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Mac OS X 10.1.1 Update Released -- Apple's Mac OS X 10.1.1 update, released 13-Nov-01 via the Software Update mechanism, rolls a number of fixes and improvements into Apple's new operating system
Microsoft Office X Ships -- With today's release of Microsoft Office X for Mac OS X, one of the major hurdles to mainstream use of Mac OS X has been crossed
Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1 Goes Mac OS X Native -- Power On Software has released Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1, the Mac OS X version of their long-standing calendaring and contact management program
Extensis Releases Suitcase 10 -- Extensis has released Suitcase 10.1, bringing its long-standing font management software to Mac OS X. In addition to features introduced earlier this year under Mac OS 9 (see "Suitcase 10 Delivered" in TidBITS-585), the update includes Suitcase Bridge, which activates and deactivates fonts for Classic applications
About two years after making wireless networking affordable for home and small business use, Apple has introduced new versions of its AirPort wireless base station, card, and software
Let me not beat around the bush. ProVue Panorama is the best general database program I've ever used.
Granted, I may not be a typical database user