News from Cupertino this week isn’t related to the Mac, with Apple announcing changes to the iPhone two weeks before its June 29th introduction and releasing a quick fix to several security exploits discovered in the public beta of Safari for Windows. Merging back into the Mac world, Joe Kissell looks at the VM2Go utility for managing Parallels virtual machines, and Glenn Fleishman introduces the Loki service for finding your current physical location via your Wi-Fi connection. Joe also reviews the 1Passwd password and Web form-filling utility, and Adam muses about being able to watch in real time what people around the world are seeing and saying.
Less than two weeks before the iPhone's much-anticipated release, Apple announced two noteworthy improvements to its previously published specifications
Within three days of Apple's release of the Safari Web browser for Windows XP and Vista in beta testing versions, several significant security flaws were discovered, some of which were reported to Apple
Macworld has done a huge survey of over 5,000 Macintosh users to see what they liked - and didn't like - about their Macs. The survey's findings on satisfaction and reliability, repair incidents, and quality of customer service are fascinating, and be sure to read Dan Miller's thoughts about what it all means as well
Congratulations to Roger Schreiber of, whose entry was chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who received a Tom Bihn Empire Builder Briefcase, Brain Cell Hard-Sided Laptop Case, and Absolute Shoulder Strap, collectively worth $225
As I've been using, and recommending, Parallels Desktop more frequently as a way to run Windows on Intel-based Macs, the question of how to back up, move, delete, and otherwise manage Parallels virtual machines has come up regularly
Wi-Fi signals permeate our cities. A newly revised tool, now available for Mac OS X, lets Web sites determine your location from those ubiquitous Wi-Fi networks found around your computer
Thanks to the Internet, it's becoming possible not just to communicate with people around the world but to see what they're thinking, or at least what they choose to share with the world
When I was writing "Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X," I thought long and hard about what sorts of strategies I could recommend for creating strong yet memorable passwords
Troubleshooting Ebook Now In Print -- Troubleshooting a Mac with a serious startup problem is easy with the help in our new "Take Control of Troubleshooting Your Mac" ebook, but it certainly helps if you can read the text while you're having the problem
AirPort connection troubles -- Are some connection problems that appear in old AirPort base stations solved by the newest models? (3 messages)
Blowing Apple's Horn -- The Economist devotes several articles to Apple in its latest issue