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FlexiTrace Summary

Overall, what I like best about FlexiTrace is that it does the job just the way I want to have it done, simple yet effective. As a user I have the impression that the developers actually USED this software

Adam Engst No comments

Double Stuff

I've used Salient Software's Disk Doubler since Macworld Boston last summer. It has worked completely as advertised, transparently compressing files to save precious hard disk space, and I suspect I've compressed over half of the files on my hard disk

Adam Engst No comments


A friend of mine and I once shared file space on a network. We each had our own folder and there were no space restrictions so long as everyone had a decent amount of working room

Adam Engst No comments

More MarketPlace Dirt

We didn't exactly say nice things about Lotus MarketPlace:Households the last time we wrote about it several weeks ago. It seems now that even more dirt has surfaced

Adam Engst No comments

Tower of Macintosh

The Usenet rumor mill is slowly gearing up for the introduction of a new Macintosh. This isn't the long awaited Portable or anything on the low-end; this will be the Mac to humble existing Macs from the specs that are being bandied around

Adam Engst No comments


Mark H. Anbinder wrote about some network management packages at Macworld Expo last week, but didn't see GraceLAN (through no fault of his, Technology Works may not have shown up)

Adam Engst No comments

Couple of Things

Once again I have a few interesting items that don't quite merit their own articles. Since San Francisco's Macworld Expo just ended, I figured you would wish to read about what was there and what was not

Adam Engst No comments

MacUser’s Editors’ Choice Awards

The evening before Macworld Expo opened, MacUser announced this year's winners of its series of coveted industry awards. 1990 was, the editors' introduction tells us, "a year of great beginnings in areas such as 24-bit color, cross-platform connectivity, virtual reality, 3-D modeling, and video." Each category has a winner and two honorable mention recipients; we will only provide a list of the winners themselves

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

TidBITS Macworld Expo Briefs

For those of you who couldn't attend, and as a recap for those of you who could, here are some of the high points - and a few low points - from Macworld San Francisco '91

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Filling the Portable Gap

Apple recently announced a delay in the hoped-for updated version of its Macintosh Portable computer system, originally scheduled for release at this Macworld Expo

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Stupid Net Tricks

Among the product categories that were evident at Macworld, if you took the trouble to categorize things, were neat networking products. None of them were earth-shattering, but each takes us a step forward in Macintosh networking. Closest to earth-shattering, I suppose, is Apple's new line of Ethernet products, which set a new standard for ease of installation and flexibility

Adam Engst No comments

Happy New Year!

What better time to look back at the fun-filled events of 1990 than now. You were having fun, weren't you? Actually, a few people suggested an article like this in their survey responses, and hey, we respond to feedback (well at least most of the time :-))

Adam Engst No comments

Stuff That Installer

There's an odd trend I've been noticing. People have been complaining about StuffIt Deluxe's installer and several months ago, people complained about StuffIt Classic's installer

Adam Engst No comments

VCR Backups

I'm sure many people have thought of doing disk backups to a VCR tape, particularly the poorer crowd that can't afford all sorts of snazzy backup hardware

Adam Engst No comments

Cut Rate Borland

I've been getting all sorts of offers in the mail from Borland. Borland isn't well known in the Mac market, but it is a big player in the PC market and its spreadsheet, Quattro Pro, may be the best one for the PC despite Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft's Excel