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Tag: advertising

Adam Engst 22 comments

Microtargeted Ads Abuse Your Privacy for Nothing

If you’re cynical about the role of digital advertising on today’s Internet, a Wired article that reviews Tim Hwang’s new book, “Subprime Attention Crisis,” is worth a read. 

Josh Centers 11 comments

Why Is the Apple TV Constantly Advertising at Us?

The Apple TV app was advertised as a way to amalgamate all your streaming content into a single app, but it has turned into an advertising platform for Apple. “Take Control of Apple TV” author Josh Centers explains how to take a bit of control back.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Watch Apple’s Holiday Short: “Share Your Gifts”

Apple has produced a lovely short film for the holidays that’s an ode to creativity on the Mac. It’s also a testament to the amount of time, money, and effort Apple seems increasingly willing to put into unusual marketing efforts.

Adam Engst 2 comments

Architects of the Modern Internet Express Regret

Has the Internet become the victim of unintended consequences? In interviews with New York Magazine, people who played key roles in the development of the modern Internet express regret for what they did and concern for where we're going.