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Tag: Apple News

Adam Engst 41 comments

Please Follow TidBITS in Apple News!

It’s possible to read TidBITS in Apple News, but until about 10 days ago, almost no one did. After Adam Engst had a call with Apple’s Publisher Relations team, traffic has increased, but we need your help to get Apple News to recommend TidBITS to new readers.

Adam Engst 25 comments

Apple News Survey Results: Regular Use or Not at All

When it comes to Apple News, TidBITS readers either use it or they don’t — there isn’t a lot of middle ground. Some of that is due to geographic limitations. What’s your opinion?

Adam Engst 20 comments

How to Read TidBITS in Apple News

Do you use Apple News? We’re running a survey to see how often you turn to the News app to find out what’s happening in the world. And we’re happy to announce that TidBITS is now fully available in Apple News Format.

Adam Engst 39 comments

Juggling TidBITS Infrastructure Issues

Our new Internet infrastructure has been live for a week, and we’ve been getting lots of feedback — most positive, thankfully! — from readers. Adam Engst shares a behind-the-scenes look at the main comments and problems we’ve faced.