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Tag: Europe

Adam Engst 3 comments

Apple Hit with $2 Billion EU Fine for App Store Restrictions

The European Commission has fined Apple about $2 billion for preventing app developers from telling iOS users about alternative and cheaper music subscription options outside their apps. Apple is appealing.

Josh Centers 45 comments

The EU Forces Open Apple’s Walled Garden

Apple is making major changes to how it distributes iOS apps in the EU due to the European Commission’s Digital Markets Act, but the company is making it clear that it’s only doing so under duress.

Josh Centers 3 comments

EU Charges Apple with Antitrust Violations after Spotify Complaint

The European Union has charged Apple with antitrust violations related to a Spotify complaint about Apple’s 30% App Store commission and policies that prevent mentioning non-Apple payment mechanisms.

Josh Centers 2 comments

The EU Passes Copyright Directive

The European Union has passed the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive and its controversial Articles 11 and 13, which regulate online use of news articles and posting of copyrighted content. But it will be several years before it’s implemented in the laws of EU members states.

Josh Centers 4 comments

European Commission Fines Google €1.49 Billion

The European Commission has fined Google €1.49 billion for what it’s calling abusive advertising practices, but even that stunning amount isn’t close to the largest fine the EC has levied against the search giant. And it pales in comparison to Google’s revenues.

Josh Centers 13 comments

EFF: Europe’s Copyright Directive Worse Than Imagined

Europe’s potentially disastrous Internet copyright rule update is headed to the European Parliament for a vote, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation warns that it’s even worse than before.

Josh Centers 5 comments

Tim Cook Calls for GDPR-Like Laws around the World

During a speech in Brussels, Apple CEO Tim Cook reiterated Apple’s strong privacy stance and advocated for GDPR-like laws both in the United States and around the world.

Josh Centers 13 comments

New EU Copyright Regulations Threaten the Internet

Two European Union copyright reform proposals, if they pass, could hamper sharing news articles and uploading content online.

Geoff Duncan 124 comments

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation Makes Privacy Global

Your inbox has probably been filled with notices from companies updating their terms and privacy policies to comply with Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But what will it actually mean, both inside and outside the European Union?

Geoff Duncan 3 comments

Europe’s Highest Court Upholds Internet “Right to Be Forgotten”

Europe’s highest court has ruled that EU citizens have a right to have old search results scrubbed from Internet search engines. Is this identity protection or censorship?

Adam Engst 1 comment

Apple Offers Ebook Settlement Terms… in Europe

Did you know that Apple and five major publishers were under antitrust investigation in Europe as well as in the United States? Things worked out a bit differently there, with Apple and the publishers offering legally binding commitments to changes in their business practices.

Glenn Fleishman 7 comments

MaxRoam Offers micro-SIM for European 3G iPad Roaming

MaxRoam has a micro-SIM for the 3G iPad that lets you roam across Europe. But is MaxRoam cheaper than the competition? No, but it's more flexible.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Mysterious .Mac Slowdowns in Europe

A TidBITS reader emailed us this week wondering if we'd experienced or heard of an issue where subscribers to .Mac in Europe are seeing unusually slow download speeds (capped at roughly 768Kbps). Apple responded to our query.

Agen Schmitz No comments

iTunes Music Store Launches in Europe

Apple staged its own British invasion in London last week, announcing the opening of the iTunes Music Store in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany

Richard Erickson No comments

The Short Unhappy Life of Online in Europe

At the beginning of 1995, there was one pan-European online service: CompuServe. Since then, Europe has seen announcements of three new online services, but as the year draws to a close only two exist: CompuServe and America Online