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Steven Aquino

Steven Aquino

Steven Aquino is a budding freelance technology writer who has contributed to The Magazine, Macworld, TidBITS, Tech.pinions, and Enhanced Vision. He also writes regularly for his personal site, Steven’s Blog. Prior to venturing into the world of (paid) writing, Steven spent 11 years working for his local school district as a classroom aide to preschoolers with special needs.

Steven Aquino 6 comments

New Accessibility Features Coming to Apple’s Ecosystem

All of Apple’s operating systems will be refreshed this fall, and with that comes a set of new accessibility features. Accessibility expert Steven Aquino guides you through them.

Steven Aquino 15 comments

Accessibility Showdown: iPhone 6 vs. iPhone 6 Plus

Accessibility expert Steven Aquino tested the iPhone 6 Plus against the iPhone 6 for two months, and although the larger screen is welcome, the iPhone 6 Plus’s bigger size presents accessibility challenges of its own.

Steven Aquino 32 comments

Peering at iOS 7 for the Vision Impaired

Legally blind accessibility expert Steven Aquino took iOS 7 for a spin to evaluate how Apple’s new mobile operating system works — both in terms of its redesigned interface and overhauled accessibility options — for those whose vision isn’t as sharp as it could be.

Steven Aquino 2 comments

With Markdown, Even the Blind Can Write

Markdown is a popular way to format plain text, but it has also opened up new opportunities for the visually impaired. Steven Aquino explains how Markdown has inadvertently proven to be a key accessibility tool.