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The big news this week is of course Steve Jobs’s resignation from the CEO position at Apple. We cover all the basics, and go beyond them with two additional articles. First, Jeff Carlson has composed The Steve Jobs Resignation FAQ, with short answers to questions that those not involved with Apple might ask after seeing clueless mainstream coverage. Second, as the Web has flooded with remembrances, tributes, and speculations evoked by Jobs’s announcement, we’ve compiled a list of those that caught our attention. As we keep learning more about Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, we’re continuing to share our discoveries — Adam explains how to fax in Lion, and Glenn Fleishman looks at two tremendously useful new features in Lion’s Screen Sharing. In other news, we’re pleased to publish Glenn’s “Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Network, Second Edition,” which is an essential resource for anyone working with wireless networking on the Mac. We also welcome a new sponsor — the video tutorial company Noteboom Productions — and announce the winners of last week’s DealBITS drawing for the iTunes library syncing tool SuperSync (along with a 20-percent-discount offer). Notable software releases this week include DragThing 5.9.7, iTunes 10.4.1, Evernote 3.0, Mellel 2.9, and Typinator 4.5.

Jeff Carlson 5 comments

The Steve Jobs Resignation FAQ

Looking for answers to the inevitable questions from friends, family members, and colleagues about what Steve Jobs’s resignation actually means? Here’s our hopefully level-headed take on the situation.

Glenn Fleishman 6 comments

Two Important Screen Sharing Changes in Lion

Two new screen-sharing features in Lion let you work on remote systems with ever greater efficacy: using full-screen mode to give remote Macs their own desktop spaces and sharing the “screen” of an account on a remote Mac that isn’t the currently active account.