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In this feature-packed issue, Adam Engst explains why Apple is replacing some iPhone 6 Plus iSight cameras — is yours due for a replacement? Wi-Fi authority Glenn Fleishman has the details on Google’s new premium OnHub router, while Julio Ojeda-Zapata identifies six Windows 10 features that Apple should steal. Finally, reader Dave Kitabjian joins us to talk about iPhoto features that are missing from Photos. Notable software releases this week include Simon 4.1, Evernote 6.1, and Parallels Desktop 11.

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ExtraBITS for 24 August 2015

In this packed ExtraBITS collection, Intuit is looking to ditch Quicken, The Verge ponders the fallout of the Ashley Madison breach, Adam and Tonya Engst explain the new Take Control Web site on MacVoices, Adobe InDesign takes some flak for failing to install fonts, Apple acknowledges an executive’s history of misogyny, Comcast plans to provide cheap broadband to senior citizens, and the iTunes Music Festival returns with a new name.