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Publisher Adam Engst is back from the annual MacTech Conference, and he has highlights to share from his week in Los Angeles. You’ve likely never read the iTunes Terms and Conditions, but Michael Cohen offers a reason why you might want to: a graphic novel that co-opts the legalese into an adventure story starring Steve Jobs. Rich Mogull joins us this week to discuss the million-dollar iOS exploit and the shady world of cyber arms dealers. Live Photos are one of the coolest things about the iPhone 6s, but they’re hard to share in their full glory. Julio Ojeda-Zapata explains how to convert Live Photos into more common formats. Finally, “Take Control of Apple TV” author Josh Centers examines some of the most interesting Apple TV apps to see where the new tvOS platform is heading. Notable software releases this week include ClamXav 2.8.7, OmniFocus 2.3.1, Postbox 4.0.8, Voila 3.9.2, Evernote 6.2, and TextExpander 5.1.3.

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ExtraBITS for 9 November 2015

In our latest ExtraBITS roundup, Managing Editor Josh Centers weighs in on the Apple TV with the MacJury, we explain why the FBI won’t help you with ransomware, and Microsoft severely limits its OneDrive cloud storage service.