Looking forward to Macworld Expo? Keep reading to find out about parties and other events at the Expo, and to get a preview of Photoshop plug-ins likely to be demoed. We have details about new versions of Conflict Catcher, Mac OS Runtime for Java, Virtual PC, and two new products billed as boosting Web browsing speed. This week also marks the beginning of a multi-part review of 3Com’s PalmPilot Personal.
Macworld Expo This Week -- Various members of the TidBITS staff will be at Macworld Expo in San Francisco this week, so email replies may be delayed. We'll try to post updates about the most exciting things we see during the week, and in the next TidBITS issue we'll cover what was really important at the show
Microsoft Sponsoring TidBITS -- We'd like to welcome our latest sponsor, a small company that a few of you might have heard of before - Microsoft Corporation
NewsHopper Becomes Defunct -- Laurent Humbert, developer of the offline newsreader NewsHopper, wrote last week to tell us the sad news that NewsHopper is no longer an available product (nor is it becoming shareware or freeware) because of his ongoing health problems
Conflict Catcher Boosted to 4.1 -- Launching a preemptive strike against Mac OS 8.1 incompatibilities, Casady & Greene has updated Conflict Catcher to version 4.1 (See Adam's review, "Conflict Catcher 4.0 Ups the Ante," in TidBITS-393)
MRJ 2.0 Released -- Apple has released the free Mac OS Runtime for Java 2.0 (MRJ) for users of Mac OS 8. MRJ enables your Macintosh to run applications written in the Java programming language from Sun Microsystems
Connectix Readies VPC Update, Surf Express -- As usual, Connectix Corporation will show some of the snazziest products at this week's Macworld Expo. The company will demonstrate Virtual PC 2.0, an update to its popular Pentium emulator, and Surf Express, a new Web accelerator
Apple Store Provides Feedback -- In response to "Apple Store Reality Check" in TidBITS-410, Sean Carte writes, "In your article regarding the Apple Store, you don't mention its value as a source of information
Apple Store Contributing More Profit (Correction) -- In "Apple Store Reality Check" in TidBITS-410, I made a mistake in calculating how much money the Apple Store would contribute to Apple's bottom line if you assumed that all of the Apple Store sales would otherwise have gone through the dealer channel
We're about to head into the chaotic frenzy that is Macworld Expo. Although the best laid schedules often fall by the wayside, here are a few events in which we're participating, plus a link to the Robert Hess Memorial Party List.
Eudora VQS Book Signing 08-Jan-98 -- In my "Eudora Tips & Tricks" article in TidBITS-405, I promised to be at the Peachpit Press booth at Macworld Expo
With Apple's renewed focus on content creators, it should come as no surprise that a small army of Photoshop plug-in developers will be present at this week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco
You wouldn't expect this kind of devotion toward a blender. Most handheld electronic organizers are dumb appliances, storing appointments and phone numbers with the same mindless efficiency a blender uses to mix juice