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After two weeks of vacation, Adam is still catching up, but he clears several items from his to-do list by reviewing the Garmin 255W car navigation GPS and writing about how he backed up 10 GB of photos while traveling. He also looks through the top 100 iPhone apps in the App Store to see how many are likely to be useful, rather than pure entertainment, and reports on the latest MobileMe Mail outage, which was shared by Google’s Gmail. Glenn Fleishman takes advantage of Sky Dayton stepping down from the board of EarthLink to look the companies Dayton has founded in the Internet, Wi-Fi hotspot, and cell phone industries. In the TidBITS Watchlist this week, we look briefly at the iPhone 2.0.1 software (Apple’s release notes hit a new low with “Bug fixes”) and Nisus Writer Express 3.1.

Adam Engst No comments

iPhone Apps That Go Beyond Entertainment

Isn't it interesting that of the top paid and free apps for the iPhone and iPod touch, more than two-thirds of them are games or other forms of entertainment? But never fear, if you want your iPhone or iPod touch to make your real life easier, a few actually useful apps are available.

Adam Engst No comments

Backing up Photos While Traveling

When you're on vacation, backing up your Mac probably isn't high on your list of things to do. But you should protect your vacation photos, which could easily disappear with a slip in the ocean or a lost piece of luggage. Here's how (complete with some pictures of our recent trip to Wales).

Jeff Carlson No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/11-Aug-08

This week's TidBITS Talk discussions concern the iPhone's accelerometer, making Entourage (or another email application) the default program for the Mail PDF command in the Print dialog, the strange case of a suddenly unformatted backup hard disk, walking directions provided by online maps, and the susceptibility of phishing attacks in Safari on the Mac.