In this inaugural Bad Apple column, Adam Engst explores what happens to iCloud Photo Library when you turn iCloud off and back on. A preview: it took a 90-minute call with Apple to discover that the “expected behavior” requires a temporary upgrade to an unnecessary storage plan and then a 60-minute call to get the charge for that plan reversed.
Navigating the Settings app in iOS has become ever more difficult over the years — did you know there are over 1200 options in it? — but in this installment of Bad Apple, we have a radical suggestion that could make most trips to the top level of the Settings less frustrating: alphabetization!
Siri takes a lot of flack, but some of the problems Apple’s digital assistant suffers from aren’t its fault. In this installment of Bad Apple, Adam Engst looks at how Reminders fails to name reminders properly even when Siri gets the text right.
Can you believe that Reminders is almost 8 years old now and still can’t sort acceptably? The iOS version lets you sort list items only manually, and the Mac version supports only a single sort order for all lists. Bad Apple!
iCloud Drive folder sharing has been around since macOS 10.15 Catalina, which makes it all the less acceptable that someone with whom the folder is shared can delete a file permanently and with only one possible—and unmentioned by Apple—option for recovery.