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Tag: Authy

Adam Engst 8 comments

Hackers Claim to Have Stolen Phone Numbers of 33 Million Authy Users

If you published a two-factor authentication app, wouldn’t you require authenticated requests to all endpoints?

Adam Engst 10 comments

Authy Desktop to Reach End-of-Life on 19 March 2024

Twilio, the company behind the Authy two-factor authentication apps, has announced that Authy Desktop for the Mac will reach end-of-life next month. It might be a good excuse to switch to a full-fledged password manager that also supports 2FA codes.

Adam Engst 15 comments

Two-Factor Authentication, Two-Step Verification, and 1Password

Is it true two-factor authentication if 1Password auto-fills security codes for you? Thanks to a 1Password blog post, we now know the answer: No, it’s two-step verification instead.

Adam Engst 63 comments

The 46 Mac Apps I Actually Use and Why

What third-party apps would you install on a clean Mac to restore your preferred working environment? Adam Engst recently had the opportunity to learn just what apps he really uses—here’s the list.

Adam Engst 36 comments

LastPass Publishes More Details about Its Data Breaches

LastPass was heavily criticized for communicating insufficient details after it lost customer vault data in a breach. A collection of new posts attempt to rectify that mistake—but it’s not enough for Adam Engst, who shares his experiences switching from LastPass to 1Password.

Ivan Drucker 37 comments

Alternative Ways to Protect Yourself from Being Spearfished

Having good passwords may protect you from drive-by attacks, but if you are individually targeted, online thieves can steal your cell phone number and reset all your passwords in minutes. Google Voice used with two-factor authentication is an answer for those for whom authentication apps don’t work well.