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Tag: LastPass

Adam Engst 1 comment

CryptoChameleon Phishing Kit Targets LastPass, Others

If you have a LastPass account, beware of voice phishing calls that will warn about your account being accessed from a new device. Are we on the cusp of being targeted by AI-driven phishing calls?

Adam Engst 36 comments

LastPass Publishes More Details about Its Data Breaches

LastPass was heavily criticized for communicating insufficient details after it lost customer vault data in a breach. A collection of new posts attempt to rectify that mistake—but it’s not enough for Adam Engst, who shares his experiences switching from LastPass to 1Password.

Adam Engst 3 comments

Additional GoTo Data Stolen in the LastPass Breach

The repercussions of the LastPass breach continue to resonate, with parent company GoTo now admitting that data associated with its services Central, Pro,, Hamachi, and RemotelyAnywhere was also stolen. Change your passwords and look for alternatives.

Adam Engst 46 comments

LastPass Shares Details of Security Breach

Password management service LastPass announced that attackers stole unencrypted customer account data and encrypted usernames and passwords. This is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing for LastPass, though LastPass users shouldn’t be at significant risk—as long as they heeded the company’s advice and have strong master passwords.

Adam Engst 87 comments

Helping Senior Citizens Reveals Past Apple Lapses and Recent Improvements

After spending several days helping some elderly friends with their Macs, Adam Engst came away with a new appreciation for how difficult some aspects of Mac use are for older people. Some Apple efforts are a step in the right direction but may not be available to today’s users. And there’s plenty of room to improve.

Josh Centers 103 comments

Moving from 1Password to KeePass

Josh Centers decided to regain control over his password database by moving from 1Password to the open-source KeePass. He explains the tradeoffs and how to overcome the hurdles of syncing passwords among all your devices.

Glenn Fleishman 54 comments

Never Change Your Password

Many websites advise you to change your password routinely. That advice is nearly universally wrong: you should only update a password when there’s a weakness. Why does it persist?

Adam Engst 1 comment

Chrome Extensions Disappearing? Click Repair

After his LastPass Chrome extension disappeared in Brave, Adam Engst discovered that it had been corrupted and was easily repaired.

Adam Engst 37 comments

Was Your Data Included in Recent Security Breaches?

Billions of email addresses and other bits of data have been revealed in security breaches this year alone. There’s nothing you can do about what’s already out there, but read on for advice on preventing future problems.

Joe Kissell 6 comments

Inside iOS 12: Use Third-Party Password Managers to Simplify Logins

Among the password-related changes in iOS 12 is the much-anticipated support for integrating third-party password managers with Safari and other apps, almost—but not quite—as a peer to iCloud Keychain.

Adam Engst 39 comments

Juggling TidBITS Infrastructure Issues

Our new Internet infrastructure has been live for a week, and we’ve been getting lots of feedback — most positive, thankfully! — from readers. Adam Engst shares a behind-the-scenes look at the main comments and problems we’ve faced.