In the wake of Twitter banning third-party clients, Tweetbot and Twitterrific are giving subscribers the option of not asking for pro-rated refunds that could drive the small companies behind them into bankruptcy.
Adds an option to match the app's theme with macOS 10.14 Mojave's Dark mode. ($9.99 new, free update, 5.6 MB)
Disables or degrades a number of features due to Twitter disabling parts of its public interface. ($9.99 new, free update, 5.5 MB)
Upcoming Twitter API changes will severely cripple third-party client apps. The developers of some of those apps are banding together to pressure Twitter into changing things before the August deadline.
Major new release for the Mac edition of the Twitter client with new features and interface tweaks. ($9.99 new, 5.5 MB)