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#1659: Exposure notifications shut down, cookbook subscription service, alarm notification type proposal, Explain XKCD

If you’ve ever been late to an appointment due to missing a notification, you may want to sign onto Adam Engst’s proposal that Apple add persistent alarm-style notifications to its operating systems. Jeff Carlson joins us to look at the ckbk cookbook-subscription service, which just announced a partnership with the cookbook-indexing service Eat Your Books. Adam also marks the end of Apple’s COVID-19 exposure notifications for the iPhone, which never gained sufficient societal support. Finally, he shares his discovery of the Explain xkcd wiki and the news of Apple releasing Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro for the iPad. Notable Mac app releases this week include Acorn 7.4.2 and Firefox 113.0.1.

Adam Engst 4 comments

Explain XKCD Is a Black Hole

If you've ever found yourself unable to understand one of Randall Munroe's xkcd comics, run, don't walk, to explain xkcd, a wiki that does just what it claims for every xkcd comic so far.
