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Category: Staff Blogs

Jeff Carlson No comments

Feed Icons Saved Me Lots of Work

The redesign of TidBITS is now live, and we'll be writing more about the experience soon, but I wanted to note something quickly that saved me a bunch of work. A quick Google search pulled up the answer to my problem: Feed Icons, which includes a free bundle of icons bearing the orange broadcast image that was created by the Mozilla foundation and adopted by Microsoft.

Adam Engst No comments

iPhoney Baloney Browser

If you, like me, need to see what Web sites look like on an iPhone, but you don't have an iPhone or iPod touch, turn to the free iPhoney, which simulates Web browsing on an iPhone.

Adam Engst No comments

Numbers Auto-Fill and Print View

My first foray into Numbers turns out well, though it took a bit to get used to some of the unusual approaches Apple took to providing familiar spreadsheet features.

Joe Kissell No comments

NBC Universal, the iTunes Store, and poor me

Now that the iTunes Store will no longer carry content from NBC Universal, Mac users have to jump through some pretty extreme hoops to (legally) watch Battlestar Galactica on their computers.

Joe Kissell No comments

New iPods: The Worst Ever!

You may call me a Luddite, but I simply can't figure out how I'd use an iPod - no matter how cool it is - in my daily life. You have no idea how much this depresses my inner geek.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Where Have I Been?

I'm sure the question "Why hasn't Matt Neuburg been publishing many TidBITS articles lately?" is right up there in most people's minds along with other burning questions of the day.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Living With Leopard

For the past two weeks I"ve been busily working on what might be last major draft for the Leopard version of my Take Control of Customizing book. Will Apple mess me up by changing Leopard's spots again between now and October?

Adam Engst No comments

Macs Speak Clearly with Infovox iVox

The voices - particularly the British English ones - in Infovox iVox are stunningly good. If you've never used text-to-speech before because of low-quality voices, give these a listen.

Matt Neuburg No comments

FontExplorer X – What Was I Thinking?

Recently I've been using Linotype's FontExplorer X, and now I'm wondering what on earth I was thinking, to have waited so long. It's terrific.

Adam Engst No comments

Apologies for the Look Spam

In which Adam apologizes for allowing spam to sneak through our defenses and be delivered to about half of the TidBITS text issue list.

Adam Engst No comments

Andy Ihnatko Abuses Cell Phones on National TV

Ever wondered how to dry out a cell phone that has taken an unexpected swim in the pool? Andy Ihnatko explains the best and worst ways on TV.

Jeff Carlson No comments

AT&T Simplifies iPhone Bills

AT&T finally sees the light about sending fully itemized paper bills to iPhone customers; everyone will now receive summarized paper bills unless they desperately need to help with global deforestation.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

UPS, I Did It Again: Bits Versus Atoms

Our long-time co-location facility, Digital Forest - the folks that house our servers and provide juice, cooling, and connectivity - needed to add additional capacity for their power backup. Even though the large new units would slide through the building, it was unclear whether certain paths along the way were engineered to handle that much point weight. Why not rip open the roof, instead?

Adam Engst No comments

Erlang Nearly at Drinking Age

It turns out the programming language Erlang has been around for about 20 years, making it almost old enough to drink. Alcohol would definitely enhance the Erlang video experience.

Adam Engst No comments

Microsoft Exchange Delivers Viruses

Don't you hate it when your online promotional materials imply that your product is the market-leading solution for the dissemination and acquisition of viruses?