In the news this week, we report on Dropbox doubling their referral bonuses — even retroactively! — and the notable release of FileMaker 12. Also, Adam looks in depth at the fast-moving Flashback malware, which has reportedly infected 600,000 Mac users, and he describes how to determine if you’re infected and how to avoid falling prey to Flashback. Continuing on the security kick, Rich Mogull explains just how the security of cloud-based services works and how you can tell if employees of your cloud provider can read your data. Notable software releases this week include TinkerTool 4.8, Hazel 3.0.4, SpamSieve 2.9, and App Tamer 1.2.1.
Dropbox is now awarding 500 MB for referrals, up from 250 MB. Better yet, the company has applied the doubling retroactively to previous referrals as well.
Updates to database applications rarely grab headlines the way updates to Apple’s handheld devices do, but the release of FileMaker Pro 12 and updated FileMaker Go iOS apps is a big deal in the database world.
Apple has released an update to its Java runtime engine to, among other things, fix a vulnerability that’s been exploited by variants of the Flashback malware. Doctor Web, an antivirus software developer in Russia, says as many as 600,000 Macs have been infected with the malware. We run down what’s known about Flashback and how you can protect yourself.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how cloud providers protect your data, and if they can take a peek. Security Editor Rich Mogull shows you how you can figure out for yourself just how secure your cloud-hosted data and files are.
Notable software releases this week include TinkerTool 4.8, Hazel 3.0.4, SpamSieve 2.9, and App Tamer 1.2.1.
Read on for a comprehensive look from Stephen Fry at how Apple’s competitors have repeatedly dropped the ball since the release of the iPhone, and a perspective-setting article from Nick Bilton of the New York Times about how companies other than Apple that use questionable Chinese labor to manufacture devices have been suspiciously silent about the issue.