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1675: Apple “Wonderlust” event, OS security updates, Apple CSAM pullback, Mozilla car privacy report, iPhone weather apps, bike tour iPhone photos, do you use the iPhone 14 Pro Always-On display?

Welcome back! After our week off for Labor Day, we have an abundance of articles for you, starting with the announcement of Apple’s “Wonderlust” event on 12 September 2023—watch it with us in SlackBITS. Apple updated all its core operating systems to block a vulnerability exploited by the Pegasus spyware and explained why it pulled back from scanning iCloud Photos for CSAM. Mozilla reports that modern cars are privacy nightmares. Adam Engst summarizes our last two Do You Use It? polls to share reader recommendations for iPhone weather apps. (Spoiler: Apple’s Weather app is the most popular, but many people use several apps, and everyone seems to miss Dark Sky.) Julio Ojeda-Zapata rejoins us with a photo essay chronicling his efforts in photographing a multi-day bike tour with his iPhone, backed up by other tech he couldn’t resist packing. Finally, this week’s poll asks iPhone 14 Pro owners if they use the ballyhooed Always-On display. Notable Mac app releases this week include just Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.7.

Adam Engst 4 comments

Apple Explains Pullback from CSAM Photo-Scanning

In a letter responding to a child safety group, Apple has outlined its reasons for dropping its proposed scanning for child sexual abuse material in iCloud Photos. Instead, the company is focusing on its Communication Safety technology, which detects nudity in transferred images and videos.

Julio Ojeda-Zapata 4 comments

Photographing a Bicycling Tour with an iPhone

Julio Ojeda-Zapata recently spent four days crouching by the side of country roads, pointing his iPhone 14 Pro at oncoming bicyclists. An avid amateur shutterbug, he had become the semi-official photographer for the Bicycling Around Minnesota tour—and the iPhone was all he needed. 
