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#1714: Generative AI Web scraping, persistent task reminders with Due, Authy breach

Generative AI features prominently in this issue. First, Adam Engst links to his Command Control Power podcast discussion that segued from Apple Intelligence to deeper questions surrounding AI. Then, to provide an alternative perspective to the outrage that seems to be sweeping the tech publishing world, he explains why he’s not particularly perturbed by AI companies scraping the open Web to train large language and image diffusion models. Back in the Apple world, he examines Due, an iPhone and Mac app that provides persistent notifications that ensure you can’t miss a reminder. Finally, we share the news that a hacker stole phone numbers from 33 million users of the two-factor authentication service Authy. Notable Mac app releases this week include Arc 1.49, Cyberduck 9.0, and SpamSieve 3.0.5.
