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#1546: Tech trends from CES 2021, Signal encrypted messaging, HomeKit for the holidays

Jeff Porten checks in from the virtual CES trade show to report on the top tech trends for 2021, including a look at how COVID-19 and 5G may affect how we live and work. Perturbed by Facebook’s privacy abuses? Josh Centers shares an overview of the Signal secure messaging app, which is rapidly gaining users after proposed changes to WhatsApp’s privacy policy triggered an exodus from the Facebook-owned app. Finally, if you’d like to get Siri to control the lights so you don’t have to get off the couch every time, HomeKit is the answer. Adam Engst finally got sucked into Apple’s home automation ecosystem over the holidays, outfitting his house with a slew of accessories and automations, and he has observations and tips to help you explore what HomeKit can do for you. Notable Mac app releases this week include Airfoil 5.10.1, Piezo 1.7.1, and Audio Hijack 3.8.1, plus KeyCue 9.9.


KeyCue 9.9 Agen Schmitz No comments

KeyCue 9.9

Improves compatibility with macOS 11 Big Sur and updates user interface elements. (€19.99 new, free update, 4.0 MB, macOS 10.7+)