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#1658: Rapid Security Responses, NYPD and industry standard AirTag news, Apple’s Q2 2023 financials

Apple has released its first Rapid Security Responses, updates to iOS, iPadOS, and macOS meant to address security vulnerabilities more quickly than would be possible with full updates. Adam Engst explains what’s involved and why you can install them without worry. Michael Cohen looks at Apple’s Q2 2023 financial results, which were down slightly from the year-ago quarter, largely due to unfavorable exchange rates. Glenn Fleishman explores two bits of AirTag news: the New York Police Department’s recommendation of AirTags to aid in car theft recovery and the announcement by Apple and Google of a draft industry standard for making it easier for people to detect unwanted trackers. Finally, we share links to a pair of welcome lists: one providing uses of the Option key and another enumerating all macOS updates for the past few years. Notable Mac app releases this week include only GraphicConverter 12.0.2.
